Hey, you
And to let you know
I think of you from time to time
I know I never really knew you
But somehow I miss you
Wish that you'd stayed in my life
Making contact gets harder
As the silence grows longer
And isn't it only me
Who'd like us to see each other
How I would hate to be a bother
The way we left it was you'd ring
I'm under no illusion
As to what I meant to you
But you made an impression
Sometimes I still feel the bruise
Now and then I'll stumble on
What I've misplaced but never lost
An ache I first felt long ago
Though you've appeared and disappeared
Throughout these past few years
I'd be surprised if you now showed
Making contact gets harder
As the silence grows longer
And why would you think of me
When you were not the one in love
When you were not the dreamer
When you were just the dream
I'm under no illusion
As to what I meant to you
But you made an impression
Sometimes I still feel the bruise
The Mountain Goats
Sometimes I still feel the bruise
tu não morrerás nunca, enquanto eu atirar pedras ao charco do teu silêncio. por isso me mantenho imóvel, e mantenho as pedras na mão fechada, para que morras mais um pouco. à distância, o corpo não sabe onde lhe dói. isto foi só um susto. fotografia velha encontrada inesperadamente no meio de um livro esquecido. digo eu, é um preâmbulo para o sossego. senão para a doçura.
Etiquetas: drogas duras, fruta esquisita menina aflita, morto amado nunca mais pára de morrer, música para o dia de hoje
posted by saturnine | 12:05 |

1 Comentários:
há um dia em que nos adiantamos de tal modo a quem nos persegue que nos esquecemos de olhar por cima do nosso próprio ombro. e quando nos lembramos de olhar... já não há nada para ver.
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