:: i like darkness confusion and absurdity * ::

num tempo que fosse imóvel, todas as coisas aconteceriam em simultâneo, e todas as personagens veriam os seus rostos confundidos.

«The spark for Mulholland Drive was the name. And the name on a sign post in the night and partially for a moment illuminated by the headlights of a car. Mulholland Drive is a road in Los Angeles that goes along the crest of the Santa Monica mountains and it's a beautiful road in the daytime but also a beautiful road at night giving vistas out to the valley on one side and Hollywood on the other. And at night it's a road that is mysterious. It's kind of dark, the road has remained the same through the years. It's a mysterious road.»
* but i like to know that there's a door i can escape into an area of happiness. [David Lynch]
Etiquetas: filmes, grandes amores, you're the night Lilah
posted by saturnine | 00:05 |

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