the tower and the thickets
all along the river
pedalling fast as i could
as all the wastelands flowered
crashed cars and rubbish flourish
with blackberries and redberries
have I been travelling so long
that I forgot how to stop?
why are the brakes all broken
wheels spinning out of control
and in the mirror
pale and deathly
have became
what have I become?
what have I become?
what have I become?
still looking for some tower
off all the rails and the roads
in need of ressurection
as my desires and powers
grow in thickets
tall all round me...
around, around, around
So now
Just let the wastelands flower
and all the thickets grow
grow, grow as all the wastelands
flower and all the thickets grow
tall and taller, tall all round me...
-by patrick for william yeats
two thousand and seven will bring me to the end of a very long road
I have met so many people in the last six years, i hope to see many more this year before the year is through and new life begins, remember everything changes and all this will too..
love from the road
x p
Etiquetas: Patrick Wolf, poesia
posted by saturnine | 01:17 |

2 Comentários:
True love from the road, Little Spot
(pareces tão pikinita ao lado do gajo :)******
e sou mesmo, são pelo menos 1,85 m de rapaz-lobo. ^^
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