posted by saturnine | 22:47 | 4 Comentários

Etiquetas: poemas mínimos
the mood:
We are two mariners
Our ships' sole survivors
In this belly of a whale
Its ribs are ceiling beams
Its guts are carpeting
I guess we have some time to kill
You may not remember me
I was a child of three
And you, a lad of eighteen
But I remember you
And I will relate to you
How our histories interweave
At the time you were
A rake and a roustabout
Spending all your money
On the whores and hounds
Oh Ohhhhh
You had a charming air
All cheap and debonair
My widowed mother found so sweet
And so she took you in
Her sheets still warm with him
Now filled with filth and foul disease
As time wore on you proved
A debt-ridden drunken mess
Leaving my mother
A poor consumptive wretch
Oh Ohhhhh
And then you disappeared
Your gambling arrears
The only thing you left behind
And then the magistrate
Reclaimed our small estate
And my poor mother lost her mind
Then one day, in spring
My dear sweet mother died
But before she did
I took her hand as she, dying, cried:
Oh Ohhhhh
"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave
It took me fifteen years
To swallow all my tears
Among the urchins in the street
Until a priory
Took pity and hired me
To keep their vestry nice and neat
But never once in the employ
Of these holy men
Did I ever, once, turn my mind
From the thought of revenge
Oh Ohhhhh
One night I overheard
The prior exchanging words
With a penitent whaler from the sea
The captain of his ship
Who matched you toe to tip
Was known for a wanton cruelty
The following day
I shipped to sea
With a privateer
And in the whistle
Of the wind
I could almost hear...
Oh Ohhhhh
"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave
"There is one thing I must say to you
As you sail across the sea
Always, your mother will watch over you
As you avenge this wicked deed"
[haunting, sailor-esque musical interlude lead by mandolin, accordion and tuba]
And then that fateful night
We had you in our sight
After twenty months at sea
Your starboard flank abeam
I was getting my muskets clean
When came this rumbling from beneath
The ocean shook
The sky went black
And the captain quailed
And before us grew
The angry jaws
Of a giant whale
[instrumental noise]
oh ohhhhhhhhhh
Don't know how I survived
The crew all was chewed alive
I must have slipped between his teeth
But, oh! What providence!
What divine intelligence!
That you should survive
As well as me
It gives my heart
Great joy
To see your eyes fill with fear
So lean in close
And I will whisper
The last words you'll hear
Ohh Ohhhhh
The Decemberists | The Mariner's Revenge Song
Etiquetas: current mood, música para o dia de hoje
Etiquetas: filosofia e metafísica quotidiana, garfield
Etiquetas: Aimee Mann, current mood, fruta esquisita menina aflita
current mood:
people look up. and when it rains, it pours.
(you're the night, Lilah)
Etiquetas: current mood, filmes, you're the night Lilah
Etiquetas: retalhos e recortes
Etiquetas: miles to go before i sleep, parágrafos mínimos, you're the night Lilah
Etiquetas: exercícios de sobrevivência, miles to go before i sleep
oh boy oh boy oh boy (bugger! bugger! bugger!)
We went out one night
Everything went right
We got something started
It was outta sight
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you again
Bt the phone I wait
String into space
Thinking about our first kiss
Out on our first date
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you again
Why don't you call me again?
And I'm gonna ask
When I see you again
Thought you would be my man my lover my friend
I never thought it would end so quickly
It would end
I've resorted to
Hanging up on you
I know you know it's me
How else will I talk to you
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you again
Why don't you call me again?
And I'm gonna ask
When I see you again
Thought you would be my man my lover my friend
I never thought it would end so quickly
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you
I thought I'd see you
I thought I'd see you again
Macy Gray | Why didn't you call me
Etiquetas: música para o dia de hoje
Etiquetas: celebrações, greves renúncias e outras rebeliões, isto anda tudo ligado
a intacta ferida
a noite
é uma pedra negra
o peito aberto
uma estrada
que ninguém trilha
Etiquetas: fruta esquisita menina aflita, poemas mínimos
és tu a manhã
a penumbra diluída
junto às portas
porque é sempre excessiva
a primeira luz
dentro do quarto.
os corpos conhecem
os contornos silenciosos
das paredes
e um outro nome me chama
onde tu não estás
bastante é só
a certeza
de que um braço me acharia
acaso me demorasse
no meio das sombras
mais que meia-hora.
Etiquetas: dedicatórias, poemas
hoje é um dia reservado ao veneno
e às pequeninas coisas *
como os objectos que habitam
os lugares marginais do chão
as beatas e as pedras
a lama e os passos
ou um bilhete
que cai de um bolso
porque as palavras
já não valem
a pena.
* versos de António José Forte
Etiquetas: poemas
Etiquetas: celebrações, fotografia, retalhos e recortes
Etiquetas: ilustração, livro de reclamações
Etiquetas: blogspotting, livro de reclamações
constatação e resolução de ano novo
voltamos sempre aos mesmos lugares do medo. nunca mais festejo nada num lugar de onde não possa vir-me embora a meio.
There comes a time when you swim or sink
So I jumped in the drink
Cuz I couldn't make myself clear
Maybe I wrote in invisible ink
Oh I've tried to think
How I could have made it appear
But another illustration is wasted
Cuz the results are the same
I feel like a ghost who's trying to move your hands
over some ouija board in the hopes I can spell out my name
What some take for magic at first glance
Is just sleight of hand depending on what you believe
Something gets lost when you translate
It's hard to keep straight
Perspective is everything
And I know now which is which and what angle I oughta look at it from
I suppose I should be happy to be misread
Better be that than some of the other things I have become
But nobody wants to hear this tale
The plot is clichéd, the jokes are stale
And baby we've all heard it all before
Oh I could get specific but
Nobody needs a catalog
With details of love I can't sell anymore
And aside from that, this chain of reaction,
baby, is losing a link
Though I'd hope you'd know what I tried to tell you
And if you don't I could draw you a picture in invisible ink
But nobody wants to hear this tale
The plot is clichéd, the jokes are stale
And baby we've all heard it all before
Oh I could get specific but
Nobody needs a catalog
With details of love I can't sell anymore
Aimee Mann | Invisible Ink
Etiquetas: celebrações, declarações de emergência, do medo
people are tricky, you can't afford to show
anything risky, anything they don't know
the moment you try, you kiss it goodbye
Etiquetas: Aimee Mann, declarações de emergência
os lugares comuns:
against demons .
all work and no play .
compêndio de vocações inúteis .
current mood .
filosofia e metafísica quotidiana .
fruta esquisita menina aflita .
inventário crescente de palavras mais-que-perfeitas .
miles to go before I sleep .
música no coração .
música para o dia de hoje .
o ponto de vista dos demónios .
planos para dominar o mundo
this magic moment .
you came on like a punch in the heart .
you must believe in spring
a infância .
a minha vida dava um post
afirmações identitárias .
a troubled cure for a troubled mind .
april was the cruellest month .
aquele canto escuro que tudo sabe .
as coisas que me passam pela cabeça .
fruto saturnino (conhecimento do inferno) .
gotham style .
mafarricar por aí .
Mafia .
morto amado nunca mais pára de morrer .
o exílio e o reino .
os diálogos imaginários .
os infernos almofadados .
RE: de mail .
sina de mulher de bandido .
the woman who could not live with her faulty heart .
um lugar onde pousar a cabeça
correio sentimental
(des)considerações sobre arte .
a noite
and death shall have no dominion .
angularidades .
bicho escala-estantes .
do frio .
do medo .
escrever .
exercícios .
exercícios de anatomia .
exercícios de respiração .
exercícios de sobrevivência .
Ítaca .
lunário .
mediterrânica .
minimal .
parágrafos mínimos .
poemas .
poemas mínimos .
substâncias .
teses, tratados e outras elocubrações quase científicas .
um rumor no arvoredo
grandes amores:
a thing of beauty is a joy forever .
grandes amores .
abraços .
Afta .
árvores .
cat powa .
colectânea de explicações avulsas da língua portuguesa .
declaração de amor a um objecto .
declaração de amor a uma cidade .
desolação magnífica .
divas e
heróis .
down the rabbit hole .
drogas duras .
drogas leves .
esqueletos no armário .
filmes .
fotografia .
geometrias .
heart of darkness .
. início .
matéria solar .
mitologias .
o mar .
os livros .
pintura .
poesia .
sol nascente .
space is the place .
the creatures inside my head .
Twin Peaks .
us people are just poems .
you're the night, Lilah
do quotidiano:
achados imperdíveis .
acidentes quotidianos e outros desastres .
blogspotting .
carpe diem .
celebrações .
declarações de emergência .
diz que é uma espécie de portfolio .
greves, renúncias e outras rebeliões .
isto anda tudo ligado .
livro de reclamações .
moleskine de viagem .
níveis mínimos de suporte de
vida .
o existencialismo é um humanismo .
só estão bem a fazer pouco
Aimee Mann .
Al Berto .
Albert Camus .
Ana Teresa Pereira .
Bauhaus .
Bismarck .
Björk .
Bond, James Bond .
Camille Claudel .
Carlos de Oliveira .
Corto Maltese .
Edvard Munch .
Enki Bilal .
Fight Club .
Fiona Apple .
Garfield .
Giacometti .
Indiana Jones .
Jeff Buckley .
Kavafis .
Klimt .
Kurt Halsey .
Louise Bourgeois .
Malcolm Lowry .
Manuel de Freitas .
Margaret Atwood .
Marguerite Duras .
Max Payne
Mia Couto .
Monty Python .
Nick Drake .
Patrick Wolf .
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen .
Sylvia Plath .
. The
National .
os outros:
a natureza do mal .
amigos .
dedicatórias .
em busca da límpida medida .
retalhos e recortes