não sou muito de fazer balanços de fim de ano. dedico-me antes a outro tipo de coisas inúteis. não encontro conforto em avaliar os equívocos dos dias passados. e, do mesmo modo, não acredito em resoluções forjadas por motivo do ano que acaba: é que todos os dias são dias de mudança. contudo, permito-me isto:
She told me she loved me,
which means she must be insane
I've had my face dragged in fifteen miles of shit
and I do not, and I do not, and I do not like it
So how can anybody say they know how I feel
the only one around here who is me is me
(so how can anybody possibly think they know how I feel,
everybody look, see pain, and walk away)
Morrissey | How can anybody possibly think they know how I feel
* mas, contra toda a desordem do mundo:
While truckin' down the road of life, although all hope seems gone,
I just move on.
When I can't find a single star to hang my wish upon, I just move on,
I move on.
I run so fast, a shotgun blast can hurt me not one bit.
I'm on my toes cause heaven knows a moving target's hard to hit.
So as we play in life's ballet, we're not the dying swans, we just move on,
we move on.
Just when it seems we're out of dreams, and things have got us down.
We don't despair, we don't go there, we hang our bonnets out of town.
So there's no doubt we're well cut out to run life's marathon, we just move on,
we just move on.
So fleet of foot, we can't stay put, we just move on.
Yes, we move on!
Catherine Zeta-Jones & Renee Zelwegger | I move on
Chicago O.S.T.
posted by saturnine | 15:41 |

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