so if you catch me trying to find my way into your heart from under your skin fast as you can, baby scratch me out, free yourself fast as you can . I thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills 'cause I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up I got to fold 'cause these hands are too shaky to hold hunger hurts, but starving works, when it costs too much to love . and have you ever wanted something so badly that it possessed your body and your soul through the night and through the day until you finally get it and then you realise that it wasn't what you wanted after all and then those selfsame, sickly little thoughts now go and attach themselves to something rr somebody new and the whole goddamn thing starts all over again . in our lives we hunger for those we cannot touch all the thoughts unuttered and all the feelings unexpressed play upon our hearts like the mist upon our breath . tonight the wolves are howling I can't escape from you . I'm trying to decide which way to go I think I made a wrong turn back there somewhere
os discos sucedem-se e de tal forma se emaranham e confundem com a noite, que eu própria estou presa dentro deles e não me distingo. há-de ser o choque de que ainda não me recompus, tanto tempo a a imaginar-me Penélope e afinal de Calipso não passo. insisto que há coisas inexplicáveis (e ainda bem), outras indizíveis, e ainda alguns momentos que são melhores do que outros. não sei ainda o que fazer de mim.
posted by saturnine | 19:02 |

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