About 'dutch light': It is understandable that the artist attends to the light in a country with so often cloudy skies. It is the change that intrigues the constant variation of the light and therefore the colour, which changes the landscape again and again. Not the paint, but the quality of natural light is the most important material of the painter. (Edy de Wilde, former managing director Het Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam).
encontrei isto nas minhas buscas recentes. curiosamente, vem muito a propósito: aborda a questão da luminosidade característica na pintura holandesa. e foi essa a questão que a descoberta de Hammershøi levantou. um filme/documentário para ver, 'Ducth Light', caso o encontrem.
Etiquetas: pintura, substâncias
posted by saturnine | 13:04 |
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