the melancholic death of Oyster Boy and other stories

Her skin is white cloth,
And she's all sewn apart
And she has many colored pins
Sticking out of her heart.
She has a beautiful set
Of hypno-disk eyes,
The ones that she uses
To hypnotize guys.
She has many different zombies
Who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
Who was originally from France.
But she knows she has curse on her
A curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
Too close to her,
The pins stick farther in.


Life isn't easy
For the Pin Cushion Queen
When she sits on her throne
Pins push through her spleen.

coming soon: Tim Burton
Etiquetas: grandes amores, the creatures inside my head, Tim Burton
posted by saturnine | 12:59 |

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